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     公 司 简 介


  公司一贯坚持“以质量为生命、以诚信固根基、以品牌拓市场、以文化促发展”的经营理念,其“中皖”牌茶叶2003年通过国家《无公害食品 茶叶》标准,2006年达到绿色食品质量要求。其产品亦连续获得省市金奖、银奖。公司树立的“我们走您走过的路,我们更走您没有走过的路”的创业精神,得到了地方各级政府及部门的大力支持,被分别授予“安徽省质量信得过.服务用户满意品牌企业”、“AA级信用企业”、“金融守信企业”、“诚信单位”、“守合同·重信用单位”、“省级茶叶标准化示范点”、“农业标准化示范区”、“农业产业化龙头企业”等荣誉称号,受到了社会各界的一致赞誉和信赖。

  Anhui Zhongwan Tea CO., LTD.,founded in 2003, is located in Tianzhu Mountain, a famous national scenic spot in the east of the Dabie Mountains in China. We now have 8 tea processing factories,a tea garden with an area of over 1,000mu,1 "Planting & Cultivation Demonstration Park" and 1 "Chashui Town Green Food (Tea) Production Base", with total assets of 11.80 million RMB yuan. In addition, our 100-odd cooperation manufacturers, research institutes and commercial networks are from around the country.

  We always stick to the business philosophy of "Quality Foremost, Honesty Based". Our "Zhongwan" brand tea reached the Standard for Nuisanceless Food & Tea in the year 2003, and met the requirements for green food. Products were awarded provincial or city-level silver or gold metals. With the energetic support from the local governments of various levels, the company was honored as "Quality Trusted and Customer Satisfied Company in Anhui Province", "AA-grade Credit Rating Enterprise", "Honest Business Unit" etc., and has been well and widely received in the society.


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版权所有 2007-2008 安徽中皖茶业有限公司 www.teazw.com
公司地址:安徽省潜山县余井镇 邮编:246300
办公电话:0556-8360889 传真:0556-8360710 ICP备案:  管理入口